Reinier goes back a long time with guitarist, composer and bandoneonplayer Dick Vanderharst. Already at Reinier’s graduation at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague they were musical friends. Since then they have been working together in many a project like Piceni with singer Nannette Currie. Not much of this group has been recorded and material of this is hard to find… It’s worth checking out the web for the album 20 Jaar De Vieze Gasten. Reinier and Dick are featured on De Kakkerlakkenkoningin and Tango Deprimo. (and for what’s more… Koen de Cauter is on this album as well!)
In the summer of 2018 Robin Nolan invited the band to come and play at his festival in the Bimhuis. Reinier invited Dick for this special event. The band rehearsed, played some gigs in Belgium to prepare a fun night at the Bimhuis